How to Use a Nail Gun for Fence Building

When building a fence, using a nail gun can be a great alternative to traditional hammer and nails. Not only can it save time and effort, but it can also provide a more secure and consistent hold for the fence pickets. However, it’s important to know the proper techniques for using a nail gun to ensure a successful fence installation.

One of the first things to consider when using a nail gun for fence building is the size of the air compressor needed to power the tool. While larger air compressors may be able to power multiple tools at once, they can also be heavy and cumbersome to move around a job site. The smallest air compressor for a nail gun that can handle the necessary pressure and volume is typically recommended for ease of use and portability.

Additionally, it’s important to choose the right type of nail gun for the job. Brad nailers, finish nailers, framing nailers, and coil nailers are all options, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Considering factors such as the size of the fence pickets and the type of wood being used can help determine which type of nail gun will work best for the project.

Choosing the Right Nail Gun

Types of Nail Guns

When it comes to fence building, there are four basic types of nail guns to choose from: brad nailers, finish nailers, framing nailers, and coil nailers. Brad nailers are the smallest and most manageable type, making them ideal for smaller projects or for those who are new to using a nail gun.

You also need to choose the right air compressor, like an oil free one. But that’s discussed elsewhere.

Finish nailers are slightly larger and can handle longer nails, making them a good choice for trim work or other jobs that require precision. Framing nailers are larger and heavier, but they can handle longer nails and are perfect for heavy-duty projects like fence building. Coil nailers are similar to framing nailers, but they use coiled nails instead of straight ones, which allows for more nails to be loaded at once.

Selecting the Right Nail Gun for Fence Building

When selecting a nail gun for fence building, there are a few factors to consider. First, consider the size of the nails that will be used. For fence building, nails that are at least 2 inches long are typically used, so a framing nailer or coil nailer would be the best choice. Second, consider the size of the air compressor that will be used.

A smaller air compressor may not be able to handle the power needed for a larger nail gun, so it’s important to choose a nail gun that is compatible with the smallest air compressor for nail gun use.

Finally, consider the weight of the nail gun. Fence building can be a physically demanding job, so it’s important to choose a nail gun that is comfortable to hold and maneuver for extended periods of time.

Selecting the right nail gun for fence building is essential for a successful project. By considering the size of the nails, the air compressor, and the weight of the nail gun, you can choose the right tool for the job and ensure that your fence is built to last.

Preparing the Work Area

Before beginning any fence building project, it is important to properly prepare the work area. This will help ensure that the project runs smoothly and safely. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Clear the work area of any debris, rocks, or other obstacles that may interfere with the fence building process.
  • Mark the location of the fence posts using spray paint or stakes and string. This will help ensure that the posts are evenly spaced and aligned.
  • Ensure that the fence line is level by using a level or a string level. This will help ensure that the fence looks neat and professional.
  • Make sure that there is enough space for the smallest air compressor for nail gun to operate. If using an air-powered nail gun, ensure that there is adequate space to set up the compressor and hoses.

Properly preparing the work area will save time and prevent accidents during the fence building process. By taking the time to clear the area, mark the fence line, and ensure that the area is level and free of obstacles, the fence building process will be much smoother and more efficient.

Setting Up the Nail Gun

Before using a nail gun for fence building, it is important to properly set it up. This section will cover the steps needed to connect the air compressor, load the nails, and adjust the depth for optimal use.

Connecting the Air Compressor

The first step in setting up the nail gun is connecting the air compressor. The smallest air compressor for nail gun will typically be sufficient for fence building. Follow these steps to connect the air compressor:

  1. Ensure that the air compressor is turned off and unplugged.
  2. Attach the air hose to the nail gun by inserting the male end of the hose into the female connector on the nail gun.
  3. Attach the other end of the air hose to the air compressor by inserting the male end of the hose into the female connector on the compressor.
  4. Turn on the air compressor and allow it to build up pressure before using the nail gun.

Loading the Nails

After connecting the air compressor, the next step is to load the nails into the nail gun. Follow these steps to load the nails:

  1. Ensure that the nail gun is turned off and unplugged.
  2. Open the magazine door on the nail gun by pulling it back or pressing the release button.
  3. Insert the nail strip into the magazine with the nail heads facing up and the pointed ends facing down.
  4. Close the magazine door and ensure that it is securely latched.

Adjusting the Depth

Once the nails are loaded, the final step is to adjust the depth for optimal use. Follow these steps to adjust the depth:

  1. Locate the depth adjustment dial on the nail gun.
  2. Turn the dial clockwise to increase the depth and counterclockwise to decrease the depth.
  3. Test the nail gun on a scrap piece of wood to ensure that the depth is set correctly.
  4. Make any necessary adjustments to the depth before beginning fence building.

Using the Nail Gun

When using a nail gun for fence building, it is important to take safety precautions and use proper techniques to ensure a successful and safe project.

Safety Precautions

Before using a nail gun, be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines. Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying debris. Additionally, wear ear protection to prevent hearing damage from the loud noise of the nail gun.

It is also important to wear appropriate clothing, such as long pants and closed-toe shoes, to protect your skin from potential injury. When using a nail gun, never point it at anyone, even if it is not loaded. Always keep your fingers away from the trigger until you are ready to use it.

Make sure the nail gun is disconnected from the air supply when loading or unloading nails. Finally, always make sure the work area is clear of debris and other objects that could interfere with the project or cause injury.

Techniques for Using the Nail Gun

When using a nail gun for fence building, it is important to use proper techniques to ensure the nails are driven in straight and at the correct depth. Begin by selecting the proper size nail for the job and ensure the smallest air compressor for nail gun is used.

Ring shank nails are recommended as they provide a stronger hold. To use the nail gun, position it at a 90-degree angle to the wood surface and press the tip firmly against the wood. Depress the trigger to shoot the nail into the wood.

Be sure to hold the nail gun steady and avoid jerking it around as this can cause the nail to be driven in at an angle or too deeply. When using a nail gun for fence building, it is important to space the nails evenly and at the correct distance apart.

Use a measuring tape or a fence spacing tool to ensure the pickets are spaced evenly. Additionally, be sure to nail the pickets to the rails at the correct height to ensure a level fence. Using a nail gun for fence building can be a quick and efficient way to complete the project.

However, it is important to take safety precautions and use proper techniques to ensure a successful and safe project.


Even with the best nail gun and the smallest air compressor for nail gun, problems can arise during fence building. Here are some common problems with nail guns and their solutions:

Common Problems with the Nail Gun

1. Nail gun not firing: This is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of reasons, including a jammed nail, low air pressure, or a faulty trigger.

2. Double firing: This occurs when the nail gun fires two nails at once. It can be caused by a worn trigger, faulty nail feeder, or a misaligned driver blade.

3. Nails not sinking: If the nails are not sinking properly, it could be due to low air pressure or a worn driver blade.

4. Nail gun not feeding nails: This could be due to a jammed nail feeder or a worn feeder spring.

5. Air leaks: Air leaks can cause a drop in air pressure, which can affect the performance of the nail gun. They can be caused by worn O-rings or a damaged gasket.

Solutions to Common Problems

1. Nail gun not firing: Clear any jammed nails, check the air pressure, and replace the faulty trigger if necessary.

2. Double firing: Replace the worn trigger, check the nail feeder, and realign the driver blade if necessary.

3. Nails not sinking: Check the air pressure and replace the worn driver blade if necessary.

4. Nail gun not feeding nails: Clear any jammed nails, check the feeder spring, and replace if necessary.

5. Air leaks: Replace worn O-rings or damaged gaskets to prevent air leaks.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can quickly identify and fix common problems with your nail gun, allowing you to complete your fence building project with ease.


Using a nail gun for fence building can save time and effort compared to using traditional hammer and nails. However, it is important to choose the right nail gun for the job and use it safely and correctly.

When selecting a nail gun, consider the size of the nails needed for the specific type of fence being built. It is also important to choose the appropriate air compressor, as using the smallest air compressor for nail gun may not provide enough power for larger fence projects.

Always wear appropriate safety gear, such as eye and ear protection, when using a nail gun. It is also important to properly maintain the nail gun, including regular cleaning and oiling, to ensure it continues to function properly.

Overall, using a nail gun for fence building can be a convenient and efficient option for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. By following proper safety procedures and selecting the right equipment for the job, fence building can be a smooth and successful project.


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